Description | Parts | Labour |
Combustion chamber (welds only) and cast iron door frame | Lifetime | N/A |
Surrounds, ash drawer, trims (extrusions), and convector air-mate | 5 years | N/A |
Removable stainless steel combustion chamber components, deflectors, and supports | 5 years | N/A |
Glass retainers, handle assembly, and air control mechanism | 3 years | N/A |
Carbon steel combustion chamber components | 2 years | N/A |
Paint (peeling*), plating (defective manufacture*), ceramic glass (thermal breakage only*), gaskets, insulation, and oven thermometer | 1 year | N/A |
Firebricks, vermiculite combustion chamber components, oven mitt, and cooking accessories | N/A | N/A |
All parts replaced under the warranty | 90 days | N/A |
*Picture required.
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